Thursday, October 16, 2014

How to use Noise Maker

Suface Noise 작업창에서 Graph 역할 ?
-개별적 세부적 스컵팅이 아닌 하나의 노이즈 이미지를 전체에 적용시켜주냐 제거하느냐의 접근방식임 그래서 Tool> Surface, 에서 toggle 명령 줄수 있음 그리고 Subtool내에 레이어단위로 적용시킬 있음그래서 일반브러쉬를 사용해서 edit 수없음. Smooth(shift key) 이런걸로 적용이 안됨. (baking 이후에 일반 sculting 명령으로 edit  수있음)

_항상 issue 되어지는 부분은 stretching 패턴적용 방향이다
_UV map 기준으로 적용하는게 제일 좋음
_사용하는 방법 옷감(직물) 효과를 줄때에 mesh(object)표면에 적용하기전에 Masking by surface noise 적용시키고 Deformation> inflate 조금 효과를 줌 그러면 단순히 뾰족하게 뛰어나온 표면 효과가 둥글해지는 효과로 인해서 사실적으로 보일 있음
 _Surface noise 부분도 morph target으로 store해주고 brush smooth 해주고 morph brush 다시 작업할 있음
 _Making 한부분에는 surface noise 적용되지 않음

 Surface Noise
With the Surface noise feature, you can apply a procedural noise to your creations, driven by simple parameters and curves for easy customization. By default, the noise is applied globally to your object in a non-destructive way, allowing you to change it at any time or even remove it. Or with a single click you can apply it to your model as geometry that can be sculpted. It can even be a mix of different noises, blended together with the help of the powerful ZBrush masks.

Noise is also available as a brush setting, which means that you will be able to add this noise to all your ZBrush sculpting brushes!

Applying Surface Noise Globally to your Model

In the Tool palette, open the Surface menu and click on the Noise button: a noise will be displayed on your model. At this first step, the noise is parametric and can be removed or change at anytime, by deactivating the Noise feature or changing the different parameters.
Noise Scale: This slider changes the scale of the noise. High value will create a large noise while small values create a thin noise. A larger size will also deform the mesh at an extreme displacement.
Strength: This slider will change the intensity of the noise, without changing its scale. At 0, the noise won’t be visible and at 1, the bump strength will be at its maximum. It is recommended to keep this setting at a lower level.
Noise Curve: by changing the aspect of the curve, you will drastically change the aspect of the noise. The Curve editor is working like all the others ZBrush Curves editors.
ColorBlend : this slider, associates with the two colors, the cavity of the noise will take on either of the colors.
Apply to Mesh: it will convert the procedural noise to a real deformation on the model, like if you have sculpted it with default ZBrush Brushes.
SNormal—This will smooth the normals of the mesh before the noise is applied when you click the Apply to Mesh. When using higher scale and strength values it is advised to have this setting at 100.

Notes: The quality of the noise generated by the Apply to Mesh function will depend on the resolution of your Polymesh. If your resolution is to low, you won’t have a high quality noise. If needed, increase the Subdivision levels. The Surface noise is a visual effect applied on the top of the mesh and no real deformation is applied. It means that if you set a high value for the strength and after, do the Apply to Mesh action, you may have unexpected results with very high elevations. Remember that the view of the Noise is like viewing a bump map but when the Apply to Mesh is clicked it is like applying a displacement map to a mesh. If you have an extremely high scale and strength then your mesh will be pushed to extreme points.

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